Loctite 263 Red High Strength Threadlocking Adhesive (250 ml)


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  • Prevents loosening and leakage from shock & vibration: It occupies all gaps between the mating threads and cures into a hard thermoset plastic that strengthens the assembly against by adding approximately 40% to the normal loosening torque.
  • High strength: Designed for permanent applications which must not come loose. Needs localized heating to disassemble.
  • Works well on all metal substrates even passive ones like stainless steel and plated surfaces.
  • Fluorescent: It has a characteristic red colour that fluoresces under UV light. This helps during service to detect as to whether or not the product had been applied.


Maximum Thread Size <1″
Temperature Resistance 180oC
Breakaway/Prevail Torque (N.m) 32/32
Cure Time (Fixture/Cure Strength) 10 min/24 hour

LOCTITE® 263 is a red high strength threadlocker designed for the permanent locking and sealing of threaded fasteners. Particularly suited for heavy-duty applications such as studs into motor housings where high strength is required.


  • High Strength
  • 180oC Service Temperature
  • Thread Sizes upto M25
  • Oil Tolerant

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Loctite 263 Red High Strength Threadlocking Adhesive (250 ml)


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