This product was developed in conjunction with respiratory therapists for the successful treatment of asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergies and other respiratory disorders. This is a medical device. Operate the device only as instructed by your doctor or respiratory therapist. Easy nebulization for everyone everyday – Omron NE-C101 makes managing your respiratory health easy with particle size of 3.9 Micron. It’s simple to use, efficient, ensuring quick and reliable treatment for you and your loved ones. User-friendly – for a fuss-free application, the nebulizer administers medication at the touch of a button. Complete set of attachments available. Effective nebulization – breaks down the medication to a median particle, ideal to reach lower airways, assuring fast and effective treatment. Long lasting – uncompromising quality that meets the global standards and developed to ensure durability that will last through periods of use. How the nebulizer kit works – the medication that is pumped up through the medication channel is mixed with compressed air which is generated by a compressor pump. The compressed air mixed with medication is turned into fine particles and sprayed when in contact with the baffle.
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